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“Mama’s Boy”… A statement that I am sure a lot of guys are familiar with these days. It seems, by listening to stories from my grandfather and father over the years, it is a statement that is a product of my generation more than earlier ones. So why did it become such a big “hit” with bullies and girlfriends/wives? That, my friends, I can not answer. But, I can answer all of those people’s question on why I am a mama’s boy.

I have been blessed to spend the majority of my life in a family that was successful business owners. I never needed for anything and rarely wanted for something. But, contrary to many people’s beliefs over the years, I was not born into that kind of life. My mom had me with a man by the name of Eric when she was about 23 years old and, unfortunately, he decided to go out for cigarettes when I was about 8 months old and I guess he got lost. Anyways, that shoved my mom into a life of long hours, multiple jobs and low pay. I do have to admit that I have always admired my mother for the sacrifices she made in order to keep me from suffering. I was told by family members over the years that she would go without eating sometimes just to make sure I had enough food to stay full.

After about two years of having to fend for herself she ended up marrying my father (I call him dad and will always call him dad seeing as he was more of a man and stepped up to fill in when my “donor” failed to do so) and that is when she stopped having to worry so much and start enjoying her family.

And for some reason, because I love and respect my mother like I did and do, kids and girlfriends from the past seemed like it was funny to call me a “mama’s boy”. It used to get to me for a while but I came to realize that maybe I am a “mama’s boy” and after knowing my mother and I’s past… maybe it’s not so bad to be one after all. Because one thing is for sure… I will always take care of my mother and family, and if I have to watch after her and keep her from wanting anything till the day she dies… Well, then maybe my debt to her will be settled… Maybe.

Thank you for your time in reading my post!

Till next time…

